Mission & Academics Blog

Welcome to Mission & Academics Blog, a Brookfield Academy space to explore ideas, build community, and search for the Truth. We will share our efforts to strive for day-to-day excellence at our school, recognizing the ways in which individuals grow. You will find valuable, thought-provoking insights as well as simple "how-to" solutions. Whether academics, philosophy, or best practices, this blog will make you smile, increase your gratitude, and inspire you to continue learning. So, have at it, be curious, ENJOY, and, as stated by Founder Bill Smeeth, keep your "lamps brilliantly lit!"


  • The Hidden Joy of Calculus: More Than Just Equations

    By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
    As much as I love to learn, my memories of calculus in both high school and college are painful. I struggled, and had to work very hard to get through those classes. Unfortunately, at that young age, I never truly understood what it was all for. Today, Mrs. Jenny. Neuenschwander, one of our BA math instructors, was able to get me excited and even, dare I say, joyful while contemplating calculus. As part of our Classical Heritage series, several parents and I experienced something remarkable—a presentation that transformed how many of us think about calculus. She showed us that calculus isn't just a collection of complex formulas but rather a powerful and fascinating lens through which we can understand our world.
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  • Supporting Our Children in the Digital Age

    By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
    Get a few parents together these days, and it won't be long before the conversation turns to screens and smartphones. The challenges are universal: How much time is too much? At what age should kids get their own devices? How do we protect them from social media pressures and online risks while still preparing them for a digital world?
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  • The Beauty of Euclidean Constructions: A Window into Mathematical Thinking

    By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
    I realized again this morning how fortunate I am because every time I sit down to write this blog, all I need to do is think about what’s been happening on campus, and I am inspired. Case in point: on Tuesday morning, BA parents had the privilege of experiencing a fascinating and fun presentation by our Mathematics Department Chair, Dave Reiner, on a topic that has captivated minds for over two millennia: Euclidean constructions. As I watched our parents' eyes light up during the demonstration of these elegant geometric techniques, I was reminded of why these ancient mathematical methods continue to hold such enduring educational value.
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  • Striving for Virtue: What We Can Learn from the Imperfect Lives of Our Founding Fathers

    By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
    Here it is—another busy morning, and I have not yet written this week’s blog. I have struggled all week trying to come up with a worthy topic. And then, it happened. I had the most engaging book discussion with BA parents, and I cannot stop thinking about our conversation. Our group dove into Jeff Rosen's The Pursuit of Happiness: How Classical Writers on Virtue Inspired the Lives of the Founders and Defined America, exploring how America's founders viewed happiness not as mere pleasure but as a deeper pursuit of virtue and moral character.
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  • Classical Education Meets Creative Expression: Enriching Our Students' Journey

    By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
    It is a new year, our first week back at school, and already there is so much going on here on campus. What excites me the most is how well our busyness connects with who we are as a school, always aligned with our Mission. At the heart of our classical education lies a deep commitment to nurturing both the intellect and character of our students. This commitment comes to life through well-chosen opportunities that challenge our young scholars with a view toward human flourishing. Let me share two upcoming campus activities that the Center for Mission & Academics is delighted to support.
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