By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
The miracle of the child is his fathomless individuality.
- Bill Smeeth, One of the Academy’s Founders and first Headmaster
I love this quote. I do not reflect on it often enough. When I do, I marvel at how each of our 890+ students is unique and has a wealth of possibilities. Realizing all their varied talents, passions, motivations, and backgrounds is truly beyond our imaginations. Every one of them is a gift to be treasured.
This is why our founders gave us the star of individuality, so that we, as educators, would take the time to look at each student - one by one. Instead of speaking of our classes as groups, we are encouraged to see our students as individuals. It is a challenge at times, but it is what makes teaching such a joy…reaching each child, helping each one to thrive, to love learning, and to grow in confidence. It is the secret to building a successful community…taking the time and energy to truly know each other, value our differences, respect our talents, and be curious about each other's interests. Our differences make us interesting and valuable. There is something to enjoy and learn from everyone.
Baked into the star of individuality is the charge to all of us to teach our students to respect each other, treasure personal freedom, and recognize the inescapability of personal responsibility. The individual matters deeply, yes. But then, each one has a reciprocal duty to see, understand, and honor the uniqueness of others.
And there is still more. Our founders took this star even further. They remind us that each child’s lifelong task is to realize the potential inherent in their uniqueness. We teachers and parents are charged with helping each student do just that - develop his or her individuality and, in the process, learn who they are and what they will one day be excited to contribute.