Mission & Academics Blog

Science and Beyond: Building Readers, Thinkers, and Future Innovators

By Linda Pryor, Executive Director, The Center for Mission & Academics
Many people think reading comprehension belongs solely in the English classroom. However, when we reflect on it, we recognize that the ability to deeply understand text is a critical skill across all disciplines. Recently, I've had the privilege of working with a dedicated group of science teachers who recognized this need and sought professional development to strengthen reading comprehension in their classrooms. I was impressed and eager to meet with them. Their initiative sparked great collaboration. 

It began when we encouraged teachers across subjects to focus more on reading comprehension skills. While I hoped for some interest, I was genuinely impressed when several science teachers immediately took up the challenge. Their proactive approach speaks volumes about their commitment to student success beyond scientific concepts.
Over the past couple of months, we've met several times to explore strategies for helping students engage more deeply with scientific texts. Our most recent meeting today reinforced what I've known all along: these educators are not just teaching science; they're teaching students how to become thoughtful, engaged readers of complex information.

One of the most significant insights from our collaboration has been the importance of background knowledge for comprehension. Scientific texts often contain specialized vocabulary and concepts that can be barriers to understanding if students lack foundational knowledge.

The science teachers shared that students sometimes struggle not because they can't read the words but because they don't have the contextual framework to make meaning of what they're reading. Together, we've discussed approaches to build this essential background knowledge before diving into more complex texts. They shared with me all the changes they are making and the progress they have seen. 

A particularly effective strategy we've implemented is supplementing textbook readings with shorter, related articles that connect to the main topics. This approach serves multiple purposes:
  • It reinforces key concepts through multiple exposures.
  • It presents information in different formats and reading styles.
  • It shows students how scientific concepts connect to real-world applications—my favorite! 
  • It builds the habit of seeking multiple sources of information.
One teacher shared how providing students with a news article about the earth’s core alongside their textbook chapter on a similar topic improved student engagement and deepened their questions during discussion.

The most transformative part of our work together has been exploring the powerful connection between reading and writing in science. We've found that when students write about what they've read—whether through summarizing, questioning, analyzing, or connecting—their comprehension improves significantly.
As we continue this collaboration, I'm genuinely and constantly inspired by these teachers' commitment to developing not just scientific thinkers but skilled readers who can navigate complex information in any context. Their willingness to step outside traditional boundaries of "what science teachers do" demonstrates true dedication to student success.

The students in these classrooms are fortunate indeed. They're not just learning science; they're gaining critical literacy skills that will serve them across all subjects and throughout their lives.

I look forward to our continued work together and sharing more insights as we discover what works best for our students. The enthusiasm and innovation these educators bring to improving reading comprehension in their science classrooms remind me why cross-disciplinary collaboration is so essential in education.
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