
The emphasis of Brookfield Academy’s Music Department

is to develop skills in musicianship, music theory, and music literacy in a wide range of styles through ensemble-based practice.

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  • 65

    US students received medals for WSMA District Solo and Ensemble

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  • 36

    US students received medals for WSMA State Solo and Ensemble

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  • 1st

    US Chorus received a first rating for Concert Festival

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    US students selected for WSMA Honors ensembles

Primary and Lower School

Building a Strong Musical Foundation

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  • Curriculum

    The Primary School (Levles A-2) builds foundational music literacy through an environment of active exploration. The curriculum includes singing and vocal exploration, as well as creative movement. Levels A-B students learn instrumental skills with Orff instruments such as xylophones and other percussions. Piano keyboarding skills are added in Levels 1 and 2.

    Lower School students (Levels 3-5) are introduced to the Kodaly method using songs and games to learn rhythmic and melodic concepts. Students continue piano skills and further develop their vocal and instrumental musicianship through reading music and composing.

    Students at all levels are guided in listening to symphonic music from the Milwaukee Symphony and Youth Symphony Orchestras. Through active listening of recorded and live performances, students learn to identify musical instruments and fundamental music concepts such as beat, rhythm, melody, form, tempo, and dynamics.

    In addition to the General Music and Chorus programs, Brookfield Academy offers an optional Band program during the school day for students in Levels 4 and 5. Parents provide individual instruments and books. Students participate in group lessons with options to learn brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments.

    Students share what they have learned in General Music, Choir, and Band through yearly concerts and frequent performances throughout their PS and LS experience including holiday and school celebrations.
  • CODA Private Music Lessons

    Introducing CODA, a Brookf ield Academy private music lesson program.

    the concluding passage of a musical piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.

    Your BA scholar can study music with top-notch private instructors right at school. Our highly-qualified music instructors guide your student to new musical heights whether they are just beginning on an instrument, expanding their skills in choir, band, or strings, or looking to reach a new level of musical mastery.

    Enjoy the convenience of completing music lessons right on BA’s campus while building foundational musical literacy in a supportive and challenging environment.

    Schedules are flexible to meet your student’s needs.

    Visit CODA for more on lessons and instructors.

Middle School

Fostering Musicianship in Ensemble

Middle School students continue developing skill and confidence in music through a choice between ensemble experiences in Choir or Band. Qualified students may request enrollment in both ensembles with approval of the division head. In Level 8, students may choose to continue in Band or Choir or enroll in an arts intensive track in theatre or visual arts.

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  • Curriculum

    Middle School choral students sing a wide repertoire of music where they practice singing independently in parts, reading notation and expressive markings, develop an understanding of music theory, and express themselves in foreign languages. Vocalists also begin to place music in the context of its historical time period and culture, as well as identifying connections to other art forms and subject areas.

    Band (woodwinds, brass, percussion) is currently offered in Levels 6 and 7. This choice fulfills the music requirement in Level 6. The band program will continue into Level 8 in fall of 2019.

    Level 6 band members continue with instrument group lessons once a week. Levels 6-8 have full band rehearsals two days a week. Both Level 6 instrument group lessons and Levels 6-8 full band lessons take place during the school day.​

    Choir and Band students perform at four concerts throughout the year and with the Middle School musical.
  • CODA Private Music Lessons

    Introducing CODA, a Brookf ield Academy private music lesson program.

    the concluding passage of a musical piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.

    Your BA scholar can study music with top-notch private instructors right at school. Our highly-qualified music instructors guide your student to new musical heights whether they are just beginning on an instrument, expanding their skills in choir, band, or strings, or looking to reach a new level of musical mastery.

    Enjoy the convenience of completing music lessons right on BA’s campus while building foundational musical literacy in a supportive and challenging environment.

    Schedules are flexible to meet your student’s needs.

    Visit CODA for more on lessons and instructors.
  • Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA)

    Middle School students who actively participate in Brookfield Academy’s music program have the opportunity to compete in the Wisconsin School Music Association Competition as a soloist or with an ensemble. The State Solo and Ensemble competition takes place the first week of March.

Upper School

Developing Musicians for College and Life

The Upper School Music Curriculum offers ensemble opportunities in Chorus, Percussion Ensemble, and Instrumental Music. Students may also choose additional courses such as Intro to Music Theory, AP Music Theory, and Musical Theatre.

After-school ensembles include Advanced Vocal Music, Drumline, Festival Strings, and Pit Orchestra (Spring Musical).

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  • Curriculum

    In addition to winter and spring concerts, students may also participate in other musical opportunities including:
    • Drumline - Football and Basketball seasons
    • Festival Strings – school and community events, such as Graduation and Brookfield Holiday Market
    • Pit Orchestra - Spring Musical
  • CODA Private Music Lessons

    Introducing CODA, a Brookf ield Academy private music lesson program.

    the concluding passage of a musical piece or movement, typically forming an addition to the basic structure.

    Your BA scholar can study music with top-notch private instructors right at school. Our highly-qualified music instructors guide your student to new musical heights whether they are just beginning on an instrument, expanding their skills in choir, band, or strings, or looking to reach a new level of musical mastery.

    Enjoy the convenience of completing music lessons right on BA’s campus while building foundational musical literacy in a supportive and challenging environment.

    Schedules are flexible to meet your student’s needs.

    Visit CODA for more on lessons and instructors.
  • Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA)

    Upper School musicians actively enrolled in one our performance ensembles are eligible to compete in the Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA) Solo and Ensemble Festival.
  • Tri-M Honor Society

    Students participate each year in music leadership and service opportunities through the Tri-M Music Honor Society.

Music Department Chair

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  • Mrs. Rebecca Auskings 

An Independent College Preparatory Day School | K3 to Grade 12